Kiabora download

Download kiabora

Getting started

Full analysis of your ontology:
java -jar kiabora-*.jar -c -b -g -p '*' -P -r -R -s -G -S -u < ontology.dlp

To get more details about options:
java -jar kiabora-*.jar --help


Usage: java -jar kiabora-1.1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar [options]
    -c, --combine-fes
       Combine GRD connected components in attempt to find some decidable
       combination while maximizing the forward chaining (chase).
       Default: false
    -b, --combine-fus
       Combine GRD connected components in attempt to find some decidable
       combination while maximizing the backward chaining (query rewriting).
       Default: false
    -g, --grd
       Print the Graph of Rule Dependencies.
       Default: false
    -h, --help
       Print this message.
       Default: false
    -f, --input-file
       Rule set input file (use '-' for stdin).
       Default: -
    -l, --list-properties
       Print the available rule set properties.
       Default: false
       Print the predicate position graph.
       Default: false
    -p, --properties
       Select which properties must be checked (example: 'lin,agrd,s,fus' or '*'
       to select all). See --list-properties for a list of available properties.
       Default: [agrd, bts, disc, dr, fes, fg, fr1, fus, g, gbts, jfg, lin, mfa, msa, rr, s, wa, wfg, wg, ws]
       filter some dependencies in the GRD that is not productive in a
       restricted chase algorithm.
       Default: false
    -P, --rule-properties
       Print properties for each rule.
       Default: false
    -r, --rule-set
       Print the rule set (can be useful if some rules were not labelled in the
       input file).
       Default: false
    -R, --ruleset-properties
       Print properties for the whole rule set.
       Default: false
    -s, --scc
       Print the GRD Strongly Connected Components.
       Default: false
    -G, --scc-graph
       Print the graph of the GRD Strongly Connected Components.
       Default: false
    -S, --scc-properties
       Print properties for each GRD SCC.
       Default: false
    -u, --unifiers
       Compute all unifiers between rules in order to print them in the GRD.
       Default: false
    -V, --version
       Print version information
       Default: false
       Alias for -c -b -g -p '*' -P -r -R -s -G -S -u.
       Default: false